Become a member at Golf Island! Browse the information below or Submit A Request for more.
Individual Membership
Golf: 1.5 Free hours/day
20% off additional golf
Guests: Bring up to 3 guests
Beverage: 20% off
Food: 20% off
Lessons: 20% off
Merchandise: 20% off
League: 20% off
Cancellation: Cancel Anytime
Oct.1st - March 31st
Apr.1st - Sept. 30th
Golf: 3 Free hours/day
25% off additional golf
Guests: Bring up to 3 guests
Beverage: 25% off
Food: 25% off
Lessons: 25% off
Merchandise: 25% off
League: 25% off
Cancellation: Cancel Anytime
Purchase Here
Corporate Membership
Golf: 4 Free hours/day
25% off additional golf
Guests: Bring up to 3 guests
Beverage: 25% off
Food: 25% off
Lessons: 25% off
Merchandise: 25% off
League: 25% off
Apr.1st - Sept. 30th
Golf: 2 Free hours/day
20% off additional golf
Guests: Bring up to 3 guests
Beverage: 20% off
Food: 20% off
Lessons: 20% off
Merchandise: 20% off
League: 20% off
Oct.1st - March 31st
Purchase Here
Submit a Request for any questions you may have!
Senior & Military Discount
Golf: 10% off
Beverage: 10% off
Food: 10% off
Lessons: 10% off
Merchandise: 10% off
League: 10% off
Military Discount
Golf: 15% off
Beverage: 15% off
Food: 15% off
Lessons: 15% off
Merchandise: 15% off
League: 15% off
Senior Discount
No Purchase Necessary
Couples Membership
Golf: 2 Free hours/day
20% off additional golf
Guests: Bring up to 3 guests
Beverage: 20% off
Food: 20% off
Lessons: 20% off
Merchandise: 20% off
League: 20% off
Cancellation: Cancel Anytime
Oct.1st - March 31st
Apr.1st - Sept. 30th
Golf: 4 Free hours/day
25% off additional golf
Guests: Bring up to 3 guests
Beverage: 25% off
Food: 25% off
Lessons: 25% off
Merchandise: 25% off
League: 25% off
Cancellation: Cancel Anytime
Purchase Here
Individual Discount Pass
Oct.1st - March 31st
Golf: 25% off
Beverage: 25% off
Food: 25% off
Lessons: 25% off
Merchandise: 25% off
League: 25% off
Golf: 20% off
Beverage: 20% off
Food: 20% off
Lessons: 20% off
Merchandise: 20% off
League: 20% off
Apr.1st - Sept. 30th
Purchase Here